Intermittent Fasting: Simple and Effective Weight Loss

The real benefit of skipping breakfast is how it can make losing weight truly enjoyable.  By fasting for the first 4-6 hours of the day, you give yourself the ability to eat big meals while dropping fat.

What’s more, for some people, eating first thing in the morning can actually cause more hunger throughout the day. This is because cortisol levels peak in the morning. When you eat, you trigger insulin, (high cortisol levels and high insulin can cause a rapid spike and fall in blood sugar leading to hunger).  And let’s be real, breakfast foods are typically HIGH in sugar – pancakes, waffles, cinnamon rolls, donuts, cereal.

Fasting for the first part of the day makes losing weight pretty effortless. You can simply focus on work and the things you have to do and look forward to all the food later in the day.

Simple and effective.
