Macro Calculator

Shockingly Easy Method to Setting Up Weight Loss Macros

Setting Up Your Fat Loss Diet
There’s a BUNCH of ways you can do this.I don’t want you to get overwhelmed or think that there’s one superior calculation.

What you need to know is this…

Your starting numbers have one job: Getting YOU STARTED!

After that it’s a case of tracking progress and adjusting accordingly.

Which we’ll cover in detail later on.

Here’s how we at KLEAN Nutrition recommend setting up your fat loss macros:

Multiply your bodyweight in lbs by 10-12x to estimate your calorie deficit.

For total daily protein, aim for 1g x Body Weight

Then distribute carbs and fats based on your preferences.

If you would rather just track protein + calories that’s totally fine.

Action Step
Calculate your calories and/or macros for your fat loss.
Don’t get overwhelmed by the numbers.
Remember, your calories and macros are there to guide you through the process of making better decisions and moving closer to your goals 

Once you have your numbers it’s time to start tracking your macros using whatever calorie tracking app you like.

Most KLEAN clients use MyFitnessPal.
