The Fundamentals of Fat Loss

The Fundamentals Of Fat Loss

The ONE thing that will set you up for life changing success on your fat loss diet has nothing to do with calories, protein, or supplements…


Which is why we have a flexible and inclusive approach to nutrition.

Food should be tasty as fuck!

No, you shouldn’t take tupperware to a dinner party (unless it has cake in it).

“Eating clean” is kinda dumb and I’m certain you don’t want to eat the same bland, boring means every single day.

We have a saying at KLEAN Nutrition…

Diets are temporary, Nutrition is for life.

If your fat loss diet is made up of delicious meals that you enjoy then your chances of success are ridiculously high.

All good on that?


Moving on…

On a physical level fat loss comes down to one thing…

Calories in vs Calories out.

You’ve probably heard that before.

And it’s a little frustrating due to the fact it over simplifies fat loss.

There are other factors, which we’ll get to in a second, that make a calorie deficit more manageable and effective in the long term.

But if you don’t embrace the need for a calorie deficit in order to lose fat you will forever be frustrated at your lack of results.

So, before we go any further let’s agree that a calorie deficit is 100% non-negotiable when it comes to fat loss.
Action Steps:
Have you been tracking your calories accurately?
One thing we see A LOT with our new nutrition clients is unconscious eating.
That’s when you forget about the muffin you had with your coffee or the chips you were snackin’ on while dinner was cooking.
Muffins and chips are delicious.
I’m not suggesting you ban them from your diet (more on that later).
But the calories add up and this is typically where a lot of folks get confused and frustrated with their calorie deficit.
They tracked 1,500 calories which should have them on track BUT they actually ate 1,800.
So, think about the accuracy of your tracking and if there are any areas where you can dial things in a little.
