Ridiculously Easy Way to Get Back on Track

Don’t stab your other three tires! 

What is this dude talking about?  He’s lost it.  Hear me out on this one.  We’ve all been there whether we want to admit it or not.  The day is going well, but then some homemade Xmas cookies were dropped off in the break room.    XMAS COOKIES BABY!  You stay away from the break room as long as you can but need to fill up your water bottle.  You go in and OMG these aren’t just any Xmas cookies, they have brought in your favorite cookie of all time.  You must have one.  So you do and that one cookie realistically is probably only a 200 calorie treat. 

But………..you go back to your office and feel a bit of guilt and disappointment that you just ruined your diet.  And since you’ve ruined your diet for the day, you might as well go HAM on the rest of those cookies.  So you find yourself back in the break room, getting a plate FULL of cookies, go back to your office, and devour those babies.  That 200 calorie treat, just turned into a 2000 calorie binge.  This behavior is the what-the-hell effect in action. 

This thinking goes along the lines of “Well, I’ve already broken the rule for the day; what the hell, might as well go all out!”  This thinking is comparable to finding out that you have a flat tire and then going ahead and stabbing a hole in your other three tires. 

Don’t stab your other three tires!  One cookie isn’t going to make or break you, but an entire plate full will throw you off track and put you in a massive calorie surplus for the week.  You are going have those days where you eat something that you didn’t plan, just don’t let that one something turn into a 2000 calorie binge. 

More holiday tips coming your way throughout the week! 
