Easy and Proven Holiday Tip to Curb Weight Gain

​Choose what goes into your mouth wisely! 

This is going to sound like an easy tip, but it will be harder than you think as the food is all spread out, and your mouth is salivating as you’ve been waiting to dive into this meal all day.  What will you start with?  Grandma’s famous sweet potato casserole?  Your Aunt’s typically delicious pretzel salad?  How about that dish over in the corner that you know nothing about but looks tasty?  You proceed to load up your plate with everything, even if you aren’t sure you’ll like it.   

Choose what goes into your mouth wisely!  I like to take a tiny taste of what I have on my plate.  If it’s not delicious, I’m not eating it.  For the holidays, I use a ranking system in my head from 1-10, and if it’s not over an 8, I don’t waste my calories on it.  There is nothing worse than filling up on something that’s not even that good.  This system usually leaves some food on my plate as maybe grandma had an off day in the kitchen, or dad burnt the meat, or mom used way too much spice this year.  Don’t waste your calories on things that aren’t delicious.

It does sound like a common-sense tactic, but you’ll find it hard to push that plate away with food left on it.  Remember only to eat the things that you find worth it.  But why not just put something on your plate that is healthy?  That’s an option, but this is one day out of the year, and you are going to be curious about how the food tastes as everyone around you is diving in.  You might as well have a taste, and then you can relax and stop worrying about the food.  Decide for yourself what is good and what isn’t.  

