Simple Food Swaps from High Calorie to Low Calorie

Food Swaps

One of the easiest ways to reduce your calories with minimal stress is to simply swap foods for lower calorie options.

Full fat cheese => Low fat cheese
Whole milk => Skimmed milk
Olive oil => 1kcal Spray
Full sugar soda => Diet/Zero calorie Soda

These simple swaps can add up to hundreds of calories.

The best part is you still get to have the stuff you love.

It’s just a lower calorie version.

It’s not like those people who lie to themselves about how delicious their kale smoothie is.

Kale sucks.

This is another example of making fat loss work FOR YOU.
Action Step
Identify the foods you can swap for a lower calorie option.
This especially applies to liquid calories.
Do you really want to sacrifice food for a full sugar soda?
Or a fancy-ass coffee?
I know what I would rather, more food for the win!
