Obsession Worthy Recipe: Customizable Shrimp and Noodle Bowl

 I wouldn’t dare even pretend to call this “ramen” and that is Pho 🍜 real 😂😬🤷🏼‍♀️. I shared this soup in my stories a few times this week and got asked for the recipe so here it is! I ❤️ soup more than a normal person should and I have eaten this for lunch every day for two weeks. This is NOT going to be the best noodle soup you have ever had….but I always have all these ingredients and when I really really want noodle soup (which is daily) it solves my problem.
📌 Soak 2oz rice noodles in warm water
📌 Turn stove on medium high, spray pot w cooking spray
📌 Sauté shallots (or any 🧅 you have for a few min
📌Add garlic 🧄 and ginger powder and sauté for another minute
📌 Add water to pan about 3 or 4 cups (of using broth skip to adding 🍤)
📌 Add 1 🥄 full of bullion (I used chicken), 1 tsp of chili garlic paste, 1 TBSP of fish sauce, 1 TBSP soy sauce and stir till mixed (this is to taste so it might take some time to find your perfect 👌🏻 combo)
📌 Add frozen shrimp (I use 5 oz) right to “broth” and let come to a boil till shrimp are fully cooked. Remove shrimp once fully cooked and peel
📌 If you want to add an 🥚 this is where I do this I drop it right into the water. DO NOT stir that will make it stringy let set up and place in bowl w peeled shrimp
📌 Add noodles to boiling broth for a min or so.
📌 Remove noodles add to bowl w shrimp and egg top w broth and green onions …TADA
* This can be customized for any diet or taste. When I want to make it low carb I use zucchini noodles and it’s 😋!!
