Proven and Guaranteed Steps to Lower Your Stress

Stress is always going to be a part of your life. 

Living a ‘stress free’ life is a fantasy.

‘Good vibes only’ might look cool in your bio but let’s face it…

Life is gonna be hard sometimes

You’re going to get angry, pissed off, upset, and stressed out.

You need practical strategies for managing stress.

Because if you don’t…

Your fat loss progress WILL suffer.

Stressed out people do not make good decisions or choose what’s best for them.

Your sources of stress can vary from work, family, relationships, and a whole bunch of other sources.

But it has the same horrible effects regardless.

Stress sucks and you need to manage it effectively if you want to get results and lead a high quality lifestyle.

There are three things I recommend to help manage stress:

  • Journal
  • Breath work/meditation
  • Unplug

Keeping a journal will help you unload your thoughts and give you space to reflect on them.

When you keep things locked up in your head it’s easy for them to get blown out of proportion.

Breath work and/or meditation is an amazing way to decompress and shift your nervous system into ‘rest and digest’ mode.

This will help you think more clearly and process your situation better.

Taking the time to unplug from your phone and the crazy fast pace of today’s world is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

It gives you some much needed space and calm to recharge.

Action Steps:

  • Think about what your main sources of stress are and how you can go about fixing them.
  • Put my suggestions into practice and see what works for you.
  • Stress management, like nutrition, is going to be specific to the individual so start with my suggestions and then keep experimenting if they don’t do it for you.
  • The main thing is that you need to do something about your stress. Don’t let it own you.
