Uncomplicated: How to Exercise for Weight Loss

Let’s touch on training for Fat Loss.Your training during your fat loss phase should not look any different to your regular training.

There are no magical fat loss exercises.

Cardio is not required and should only serve as a tool for when fat loss stalls or as a method for improving overall health.

One of the biggest mistakes people make with their training during a fat loss phase is going HAM every single session with crazy circuits and lung bursting HIIT training.

Don’t do that.

Remember, you want to hold on to as much muscle tissue as possible so you look insane as your body fat melts away.

Which means you need to give your body a reason to hold on to your hard earned muscle.

The most powerful reason you can give it?

Training for strength & muscle building.

If you’re already doing that just keep doing it.

If you’re not doing that then I’ve got something for you at the end of this email.

Now, I want you to ask yourself this…

Do you know what your biggest barrier to results is?

Hint; It’s not…

Meal timing

Or anything like that.

It’s something we all do when we strive for ambitious goals.

Almost like our brain is hardwired against our interests.

It’s why you start a diet full of hope and excitement…

Only to crash and burn after a few weeks.

And to make matters worse…

This gains killing approach is promoted far and wide in the fitness community.

Which leads to people thinking it’s the solution they have been looking for…

When it’s really a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

When I tell you what it is I bet you’ve never heard of it…

Which is nothing to worry about.

Because when I DESCRIBE what it is you’re going to know exactly what I’m talking about.

It’s called…

Separation Strategy.

Separation strategy is when you create a nutrition & training program based on your goals…

And completely separate it from you as a person.

Which means you don’t take into account your…


And everything else that is a factor in your lifestyle and your personality.

Which is precisely why this approach NEVER works.

And here’s the real kicker…

Separation strategy is not confined to one style of dieting…

It can take the form of clean eating, keto, carnivore… essentially anything that doesn’t take YOU into account.

Think about this for a second

How can you possibly expect to make gains, get jacked, torch body fat, and unleash your full potential if you ignore everything about your lifestyle & personality?

I know it’s easy to convince yourself that certain plans will work before you start them.

Which is where Mike Tyson comes in with some strong advice…

“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth”.

The question you need to answer is this…

Can your diet & training last during testing times in your life?

If you’ve taken all the personal factors into account that I’ve listed above then the answer will be YES.

If you’ve not…

You’re gonna find yourself on your ass time & time again.

Which isn’t something either of us want.
