An Astonishing Straightforward Approach for Starting a Diet

Starting a diet? What do I eat?As you know, we use a flexible and inclusive approach to nutrition at KLEAN Nutrition.

We don’t ban food groups or force you to ‘eat clean’ (whatever the hell that means).

We’re going to get into decision making and routine in future blog posts.

But for now, here’s what I want you to do:

  • Eat meals you enjoy and that are delicious.
  • Track the calories.

Trust me, you’ll start making adjustments right away that get you on track.

Do you like bacon and eggs for breakfast?

Cool, if you track your typical portion you might realize that you need to pull back from 5 strips to 3.

Maybe you put a little cheese in your eggs and when you weigh it you realize it’s adding a BUNCH of calories.

So you reduce the portion size or leave it out completely.

This is a PROCESS.

The sooner you start, the faster you’ll get to where you want to be.

You don’t have to be perfect on day one.

You’re going to make some mistakes.

Forward motion is all that matters here.

Don’t put a ton of pressure on yourself.

You got this.
