Shishito Peppers: A Quick and Delicious Snack

​Snacks!My wife and I tossed these Shishito Peppers (never heard of them) on the grill to have some healthy snacks around the house.  With the holiday coming up, it’s important for you to have some healthy snacks in the house.  A few beers in, anything sounds like a good idea.  Heyyyyooooooo!

This is a simple habit that will help you during and after your weight loss journey.  Put snacks out of sight or don’t buy the snacks that you can’t stop eating once you start, that way you are not tempted to start binging on them.  If you already have prepared healthy snacks in the house, you are much more likely to eat those rather than putting on pants and running out for that family-sized bag of Dorritos.  Dorritos = Kryptonite for myself.  So good but so not macro-friendly.

We picked these Shishito Peppers up at, you guessed it, Trader Joe’s and they have a WHOPPING 3 grams of carbs, 1 gram of protein in 7 WHOLE peppers.  So even after those beers, you could chow down on this entire bag of peppers and still only be out about 9 grams of carbs.  That’s winning folks!

Diet smarter, not harder.  As always, link in bio if you need help getting started on your journey.
